Special offer on TransFix/EDTA Vacuum Blood Collection Tubes

Special offer on TransFix/EDTA Vacuum Blood Collection Tubes

We are currently offering a 50% discount on our current batch of 3ml TransFix/EDTA Vacuum Blood Collection Tubes that expire in August 2016. Please quote ‘TVTOFFER’ with your order to receive this discount. 

TransFix stabilises leukocytic antigens in human blood for up to 10 days, ready for flow cytometric testing for leukaemia diagnoses, immune monitoring and immunohaematology screening.TransFix is available in Vacuum Blood Collection Tubes containing EDTA for the immediate stablisation of cellular antigens upon venepuncture.

TransFix is also available in a number of other formats, such as TransFix/EDTA CSF Sample Storage Tubes for the stabilisation of cerebrospinal fluid, TransFix Sample Storage Tubes and TransFix Reagent

Special offer on TransFix/EDTA Vacuum Blood Collection Tubes

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