Magnetofection™ is a simple and highly effective transfection method to transfect primary and hard-to-transfect cells, manufactured by Oz Biosciences.

Magnetofection™ is a simple and highly effective transfection method to transfect primary and hard-to-transfect cells, manufactured by Oz Biosciences.
You have an RNA of interest aka your favorite RNA. The question is: which RBPs interact with it? Who are these RBPs and what are their intentions with your precious RNA? It’s not yet known how diseases are regulated or
How do you quantify newly synthesised RNA? There are several ways to detect synthesised RNA, but these methods have their complications. The 5-Bromouridine immunoprecipitation chase (BRIC) Kit offers the the most suitable method for RNA decay analysis. Regulation of gene expression by RNA degradation
What are RBPs (RNA binding proteins)? Very briefly, they are proteins that bind to RNA. (You probably figured that out already.) More importantly, they have a role in regulating RNA as part of the ribonucleoprotein complex (RNP). They are involved