Tailored Media for Proliferation and ECM Production

Tailored Media for Proliferation and ECM Production

Traditional fibroblast media utilise 10% serum combined with very simple basal media formulations.

The new CnT-PR-F medium uses an advanced basal medium formulation and a mix of defined growth factors to reduce the serum requirement down to 1%.

As a result, the new CnT-PR-F significantly increases isolation efficiency (50%) and growth rate (+40%), whilst reducing serum-associated variability.

Cells undergoing rapid proliferation are less responsive to differentiation and ECM-related triggers.

To obtain fully in-vivo like ECM production, we offer the new CnT-PR-ECM medium.

CnT-PR-ECM is fully defined, and delivers a 5x increase in ECM levels in response to vitamin C treatment compared with the proliferation medium CnT-PR-F.

Caltag Medsystems is the distributor of CellnTech products in the UK and Ireland. If you have any questions about these products, please contact us.

Tailored Media for Proliferation and ECM Production

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